{ "validate": { "required": "Required.", "strlenMin": "Least {length} characters.", "strlenMax": "Max {length} characters.", "strlenRange": "The length of the string must be between {min} and {max}.", "leastSelectedLength": "At least {length} items must be selected.", "min8": "Min 8 characters.", "max6": "Max 6 characters.", "max16": "Max 16 characters.", "secretCodeCheck": "Need 6 characters.", "notMatch": "Format does not match.", "pswMatch": "The password confirmation does not match.", "sfpswMatch": "The security code confirmation does not match.", "numNotNegative": "Cannot be less than 0.", "numThanSize":"Cannot be greater than {referValue}", "numRange": "The range of the number must be between {min} and {max}." } }