SpongeBob Square pants.

The famous TV show/movie is all about this bright yellow sponge and his friends, there is multiple main charters like Mr.Krabs who is the owner of the very famous "krusty crab," the "krusty krab" is a burger joint where Spongebob works at which brings me to my next main character SpongeBob. SpongeBob is the main main character, he works at the "krusty krab" where he is the cook, he is who makes the infamous kraby patty. More on spongebob, he is a very goofy non caring character, he lives in a pinnaple in the ocean. He loves to work and he also loves to go jellyfishing with his bestfriend and next main character patrick star.
Patrick star is again a non caring enetrgetic character, he lives under a rock and isn't the brightest person in the world. Patrick star dosen't work at all but he still finds a way to live his life with his best pal SpongeBob.
Someone who works along SpongeBob, neighbor of patrick AND spongebob is squidward. A hardworking and "very talented" clariniet player. He is the cashier at the krusty krab and works with SpongeBob. squidward is the complete oppsite of spongebob and patrick, he always is in a bad mood and hates when patrick or spongebob/patrick is talking to him,spongebob/patrick being around him and spongebob/patrick laughing and having fun. with that there is many many diffrent side characters, to list them off we have
Planktion, Karren, Sandy cheeks, Mrs.Puff, Pearl Krabs, Garry and Larry Lobster.
With to many one time characters to say all of them that is everything about SpongeBob,