1. Exit Only
2. Hammered Gold/Hammer of Gold
3. Plunge the Fork
4. Lower the Spoon
5. Ceiling Tiles
6. Portable Sword
7. End ov the Day
8. Silent Storm
9. Stick People
10. Questionable Commmitment
11. Wooden Bricks
12. Page 13
13. Squirrel Shepherds
14. Inverted Shield
15. Frozen Spear
16. Wild Bison
17. Thru Dogs
18. Fermented Sunshine
19. Mosquito Genocide
20. Collosal Warhammer
21. Destruction of Wheat
22. Unforgiving Violence
23. Senior/Chief/Elite Janitors
24. Bunker Bomb
25. Ditch Lizard(s)