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Please try with an alternate email or phone number.", "forgot_pass_resend_email": "RESEND LINK", "forgot_pass_resend_phone": "RESEND CODE", "forgot_pass_check_email": "Click the password reset link sent to {{value}}. Remember to check your spam folder just in case.", "forgot_pass_check_phone": "Click the password reset link sent to {{value}}. 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"Version:", "certification_title": "Certifications", "certifications_subtitle": "Let us know your certifications.", "certifications_empty_subtitle": "You haven't added any certification yet. Let us know if you have any certification.", "certifications_save": "SAVE CERTIFICATION", "certifications_add": "ADD CERTIFICATION", "certifications_skip": "SKIP CERTIFICATIONS", "certifications_name": "Certificate name", "certifications_organization": "Issuing organization", "certifications_issue_date": "Year of issuance", "payment_method_error_title": "Payment verification failed", "payment_method_error_subtitle": "Please try again.", "payment_method_continue": "CONTINUE BUSINESS SETUP", "payment_method_home": "HOME", "edit_basic_info_phone_number": "Phone Number", "save_change_label": "SAVE CHANGES", "change_email_alert_title": "Email changed", "change_email_alert_message": "Since you changed your email, you will be logged out and will have to log in with the new email.", "ok_label": "OK", "address_label": "Address", "application_status_applied": "Applied", "application_status_under_review": "Under review", "application_status_contacted": "Contacted", "application_status_interview": "Interview", "application_status_offer": "Offer", "application_status_offer_declined": "Offer declined", "application_status_not_interested": "Not interested", "profile_completed_title": "Congratulations!", "profile_completed_subtitle": "Your profile is complete.", "check_profile_label": "SEE MY PROFILE", "delete_job_exp_alert_title": "Delete job experience", "delete_job_exp_alert_message": "Are you sure you want to delete this job experience?", "delete_confirm_label": "Yes, delete", "cancel_job_exp_alert_title": "Cancel job experience", "cancel_job_exp_alert_message": "Are you sure you want to cancel? If you continue you can complete your profile", "cancel_confirm_label": "Yes, cancel", "delete_certification_alert_title": "Delete certification", "delete_certification_alert_message": "Are you sure you want to delete this certification?", "cancel_certification_alert_title": "Cancel certification", "cancel_education_alert_title": "Cancel education", "delete_education_alert_title": "Delete education", "delete_education_alert_message": "Are you sure you want to delete this education?", "create_company_account_conditions_title": "Create a new company", "create_company_account_conditions_subtitle": "Please review and agree to the Company terms", "create_company_cancel_alert_title": "Cancel creating a company account", "create_company_cancel_alert_message": "Are you sure you want to cancel? If you cancel all the information is going to be deleted", "payment_method_title": "Payment method", "payment_method_subtitle": "To verify that you are sincerely interested in opening a business account, we require a verified credit card. Your card will not be charged until you subscribe to our services.", "payment_method_account_label": "User or business account method", "payment_method_submit_label": "Add payment method", "payment_method_add_label": "Add credit card", "payment_method_success_label": "Payment method added/updated", "payment_method_rejected_label": "Payment method rejected", "payment_method_rejected_title": "Please try again, your payment method was rejected.", "payment_method_success_title": "Payment method added!", "payment_method_success_subtitle": "Then you can edit it or add another payment method from your profile settings", "payment_method_cancel_title": "Do you want to cancel the credit card verification process?", "payment_method_cancel_message": "A credit card is required to setup a business account. Your card will not be billed until you subscribe. Are you sure you want to cancel this step?", "payment_method_cancel_label": "Cancel setup", "payment_method_continue_label": "Back to payment method", "payment_method_alert_label": "Cancelling will erase all previous setup entries", "logout_alert_title": "Logout", "logout_alert_message": "Are you sure you want to logout?", "side_menu_title": "Accounts", "business_account_label": "Business Account", "verified_label_short": "Verified", "edit_company_cancel_alert_title": "Cancel editing a company account", "edit_company_cancel_alert_message": "Are you sure you want to cancel? If you cancel all the unsaved changes will be lost", "job_post_cancel_alert_title": "Cancel job post creation?", "job_post_cancel_alert_message": "Are you sure you want to cancel? 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If you cancel the information you filled, will be deleted", "qualification_questions_title": "Qualification question", "qualification_questions_subtitle": "Let us know more about you", "application_note_title": "Application Submission", "application_note_subtitle": "Do you want to include a short note to the hiring manager to highlight why you are the best candidate for this job?", "message_label": "Message", "submit_application": "SUBMIT APPLICATION", "apply_success_title": "You have applied!", "apply_success_subtitle": "Thank you for applying for the position. Your application will be reviewed shortly.", "team_title": "Team", "candidate_card_interested": "Interested in this candidate", "candidate_card_not_interested": "Not interested in this candidate", "candidate_rate_title": "Candidate rate", "candidate_rate_subtitle": "Rate this candidate about fit with job and attendance and help your team in the hiring process.", "candidate_rate_button": "RATE THIS CANDIDATE", "candidate_rate_title2": "Candidate Rating", "candidate_punctuality_title": "Punctuality", "candidate_punctuality_desc": "Punctuality Comments.", "candidate_fit_title": "Fit with Job", "candidate_fit_desc": "Job Fit Comments", "candidate_confidential_notes": "Confidential notes", "candidate_notes_desc": "Notes visible only for you", "candidate_hiring_call_title": "Hiring call", "candidate_hiring_call_select_label": "Select hiring call", "candidate_hiring_indications_alert": "Hiring indications alert", "do_not_hire": "Do not hire!", "do_not_hire_tooltip": "You can indicate that this candidate should not be hire. This alert will help your team to be alert.", "save_candidate_rating": "SAVE CANDIDATE RATING", "rating_saved": "Rating saved correctly", "rating_added_by": "Rating added by:", "candidate_detail_title": "Candidate detail", "candidate_detail_about": "About this candidate", "candidate_detail_answers": "Qualification answers", "candidate_detail_change_status": "Change candidate status", "candidate_detail_job": "{{jobTitle}} at {{company}}", "candidate_detail_cert_organization": "at {{organization}}", "present_label": "Present", "change_candidate_status_title": "Change status", "change_candidate_status_application": "Candidate application status", "change_candidate_status_select": "Select status", "change_candidate_status_reject_reason": "Do you want to add a note to indicate the rejection reason?", "change_candidate_status_rating_suggest": "You can rate the interview / candidate in the Candidate Rating section!", "change_candidate_status_hire_info": "Hiring information", "change_candidate_status_start_date": "Employee start date", "change_candidate_status_submit": "Update status", "show_more_reviews": "SHOW MORE REVIEWS", "dispose_candidate_title": "Rejected reason", "dispose_candidate_subtitle": "Please share us the reason to reject this candidate.", "dispose_candidate_label": "Why you are not interested in this candidate?", "dispose_candidate_button_label": "SAVE REJECTION REASON", "dispose_candidate_toast": "Candidate disposed", "contact_candidate_label": "Contact candidate", "chat_message": "Message", "chat_sms_notice": "SMS messages are unidirectional. Recipients can not reply to SMS responses.", "chat_email_subject": "Add a subject to send this email", "chat_bubble_type": "Message sent by {{type}}", "notifications_title": "Notifications", "notifications_message": "has sent you a message.", "notifications_video": "has called you", "notifications_application": "has applied for the job", "notifications_mark_as_read": "Mark as read", "notifications_mark_as_unread": "Mark as unread", "notifications_delete": "Delete notification", "time_years": "{{years}} years ago", "time_year": "{{years}} year ago", "time_months": "{{months}} months ago", "time_month": "{{months}} month ago", "time_days": "{{days}} days ago", "time_day": "{{days}} day ago", "time_hours": "{{hours}} hours ago", "time_hour": "{{hours}} hour ago", "time_minutes": "{{minutes}} minutes ago", "time_minute": "{{minutes}} minute ago", "time_just_now": "Just now", "removed_from_favorites": "Removed from your favorites", "remove_from_favs": "Remove from favs", "see_job_listing": "See job listing", "no_fav_jobs_title": "No favorite jobs yet!", "no_fav_jobs_subtitle": "Find new jobs to save to favorites", "removed_from_job_list": "Removed from the job list", "conversations_title": "Conversations", "conversations_no_messages": "No new messages", "videocall_start": "You are starting a videocall with", "request_camera_title": "Allow HonestWork to access your camera.", "request_permission_subtitle": "You can change this permission in your device settings.", "request_microphone_title": "Allow HonestWork to access your microphone.", "PUSH_NOTIFICATION_REQUIRED": "Please, enable notifications to access to the communication features.", "conversations_messages_one": "1 new message", "conversations_messages_many": "{{unread}} new message", "conversation_item_title_more": "and {{additionalParticipants}} more participants", "chat_title_more": "participants", "conversation_video_call_invitation": "INVITATION TO A VIDEO CALL", "search_error": "An error occurred while searching, please try again", "hire_invitation_alert_title": "Invite to join the company", "hire_invitation_alert_subtitle": "The candidate you selected is goin to receive an invitation to join the company.", "hire_invitation_alert_toast": "Unsaved changes. You have to invite your hired candidate.", "accept_label": "Accept", "hire_employee_added_title": "Employee added", "hire_employee_added_subtitle": "You Hired {{name}} to your Company", "hire_employee_added_back": "BACK TO CANDIDATE DETAIL", "hire_employee_added_see_employees": "SEE MY EMPLOYEE LIST", "job_filter_status": "Select job post status", "job_filter_location": "Search location", "job_filter_team_title": "Team", "enterprise_applicants_title": "Applicants", "group_select_label": "SELECT", "refferal_label": "Refferal", "discard_candidate_label": "DISCARD CANDIDATE", "job_post_select": "Job post", "see_details": "See details", "application_stage_title": "Application stage", "application_stage_applied": "Applied", "application_stage_applied_subtitle": "Your application has been submited", "application_stage_underreview": "Under Review", "application_stage_underreview_subtitle": "Under review - your application has been opened and is currently under review", "application_stage_contacted": "Contacted", "application_stage_contacted_subtitle": "The recruiter is interested in learning more about you.", "application_stage_interview": "Interview", "application_stage_interview_subtitle": "The recruiter is interested in interviewing you.", "application_stage_backgroundcheck": "Background check", "application_stage_backgroundcheck_subtitle": "You're almost there. The recruiter is running final checks on your background or references.", "application_stage_offer": "Offer", "application_stage_offer_subtitle": "The company is interested in hiring you, and have presented an offer to you.", "application_stage_offerdeclined": "Offer declined", "application_stage_offerdeclined_subtitle": "You have decided not to accept the offer.", "application_stage_offeraccepted": "Offer accepted", "application_stage_offeraccepted_subtitle": "You have decided to accept the offer.", "application_stage_notinterested": "Not interested", "application_stage_notinterested_subtitle": "At this time, the company doesn? see a fit.", "no_applications_title": "No applications", "no_applications_subtitle": "You haven't applied to any job experience yet.", "photo_upload_error": "There was an error uploading your photo. Please try again.", "clear_filters": "Clear filters", "connections_tab": "Connections", "referrals_tab": "Referrals", "invitations_tab": "Invitations", "connections_one": "{{value}} connection", "connections_many": "{{value}} connections", "pend_connections_one": "{{value}} pending connection", "pend_connections_many": "{{value}} pending connections", "people_may_know": "People you may know", "company_position": "{{role}} at {{company}}", "connect_label": "CONNECT", "connection_request_sent": "Connection request sent.", "connection_request_accepted": "Connection request accepted.", "connection_request_rejected": "Connection request rejected.", "user_info_connections": "Connections", "user_info_active_jobs": "Active jobs", "user_info_referrals": "Referrals", "user_info_curriculum": "Curriculum", "user_info_applications": "Applications", "user_info_connections_referrals": "Connections, Referrals, Invitations", "invite_friend_join": "Invite a friend to join HonestWork!", "your_invitations": "Your invitations", "accepted_invitations": "Accepted invitations", "pending_invitations": "Pending invitations", "joined_label": "Joined", "invite_friend_title": "Invite a friend", "invite_friend_subtitle": "You can share the link for sending an invitation to join HonestWork", "invite_button_text": "INVITE", "invitation_sent_title": "Invitation sent", "invitation_sent_subtitle": "Would you like to also send an invitation through SMS?", "invitation_default_message": "Hey {{firstName}}, join Honest Work and see all the opportunities of work near you! It? really good!", "company_joined_successfully": "Company joined successfully", "currently_employed_here": "Currently employed here", "now": "Now", "no_accepted_invitations": "No accepted invitations", "no_pending_invitations": "No pending invitations", "invite_another_friend_button_label": "INVITE ANOTHER FRIEND", "user_referral_join_loggedin": "You must log-out before you register a new referred user", "user_referral_join_loggedout": "{{name}} invited you to join Honest Work. Sign up to continue.", "referrals_one": "{{value}} referrals", "referrals_many": "{{value}} referrals", "referrals_sent": "Job referrals sent", "referrals_accepted": "Job referrals accepted", "accepted_referrals": "Accepted referrals", "pending_referrals": "Pending referrals", "no_accepted_referrals": "No accepted referrals", "no_pending_referrals": "No pending referrals", "refered_job": "Referred job", "hired_job": "Hired", "candidates_screen_title": "Candidates", "candidate_number": "{{value}} Candidates in the database", "candidate_referral": "Referral", "candidate_applicant": "CURRENT APPLICANT", "candidate_open_to_work": "Open to a new job", "candidate_not_open_to_work": "Not open to a new job", "candidate_number_jobs": "{{value}} active jobs", "miles_location": "Miles from location", "past_companies": "Past companies", "open_to_work": "Open to work", "education_level": "Education level", "skills": "Skills", "search_skills": "Search skills", "search_certifications": "Search certification", "select_degree": "Select degree", "search_past_companies": "Search past companies", "languages": "Languages", "share_job_post": "Share a job with this candidate", "select_job_post": "Select Job post", "send_job_by": "Send it by", "send_job_to_candidate_template": "Hi {{candidateName}}, this is {{recruiterName}} a recruiter from {{companyName}}. 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Here is the link for the job", "job_recommendation_sent": "Job recommendation sent", "job_recommendation_message": "Message to the candidate", "job_recommendation_submit": "Share recommendation", "contact_option_sms": "SMS", "contact_option_email": "E-mail", "contact_option_chat": "Chat", "redirection_login_alert": "You must login in the app before opening the link", "delete_label": "Delete", "date_group_today": "Today", "date_group_yesterday": "Yesterday", "date_group_week": "This week", "date_group_month": "This month", "user_already_applied_error_message": "User already applied to this job post", "user_incomplete_verification_error_message": "The user must be verified to perform this action", "filter_candidate_info_title": "Candidate information", "filter_candidate_name": "Candidate name", "filter_candidate_status": "Candidate status", "filter_referral": "Referral", "filter_applied_job_title": "Applied Job" }