British ChattyWebsite Links

All the links for BCW. Not all links will update at the same time. They delays could range from a day to a week. Not all links are unblocked, the point of this is to find a working unblocked link for you.

More deployments to come

CodeHS (Main)

The main deployment for BCW on a link

Go to CodeHS BCW

Github Pages BCW

Main, but hosted on a domain!

Go to BCW

Render BCW

This is BCW disguised as goguardian in an link!

Go to Render BCW

OpenProcessing BCW

This is BCW hosted on!

Go to OpenProcessing BCW

p5.js BCW

BCW hosted on a web-based code editor. You can see the code of BCW and also run it by pressing ctrl + enter or the run button!

Go to p5.js BCW

Neocities BCW

Hosted on Neocities, my favorite ever hosting and editing web service!

Go to Neocities BCW

OneCompiler BCW

This is a public project on OneCompiler, even showing the code of CW!

Go to OneCompiler CW

Download BCW on GitHub

You can click the green code button in the repository and click Download ZIP. Open the zip file and open the index.html file!

Download BCW