// ==UserScript== // @name PimEyes Crack // @namespace github.com/PinkDev1/PimEyes-Crack-UserStyle // @version 4.1.0 // @description Allows easier use of the FREE version of PimEyes // @author PinkDev1 // @grant GM_addStyle // @run-at document-start // @include /https:\\/\\/pimeyes.com\\/.{2}/ // ==/UserScript== (function() { let css = ` /*Un-blur the URLs*/ .blurred-source-url{ user-select: all !important;; } /*Make the URLs selectable, and visible*/ *.url{ filter: none !important;; overflow: visible !important;; user-select: initial !important;; max-width: initial !important;; pointer-events: none !important;; position: initial !important; } /*Remove the Buy Premium overlay on images*/ .zoom { display: none !important;; } /*Remove the actions menu, so we can select the image*/ .actions { display: none !important;; } /*Hide UNLOCK buttons*/ button[type="button"] { display: none !important;; } /*un-hide add picture button*/ button[class="spacer"] { display: inherit !important;; } /*un-hide upload photo button*/ button[class="first"], button[class="spacer upload"], button[class="last"]{ display: inherit !important;; } /*Remove events from image*/ div.thumbnail { pointer-events: none !important;; } `; if (typeof GM_addStyle !== "undefined") { GM_addStyle(css); } else { let styleNode = document.createElement("style"); styleNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); (document.querySelector("head") || document.documentElement).appendChild(styleNode); } })();