
Angela Moss, Speech Pathologist

Elementary Education - Undergrad

Speech Pathology - Grad

VCU and Hampton

The Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders aims to educate students to effectively support individuals who experience communication impairments within an evolving multicultural environment.

Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Pre-Health

Hampton, Virginia

Breakdown of Disabilities: Please list their meanings

Refers to the ability to produce speech sounds accurately and clearly. Issues with articulation can lead to speech errors.

Syntax is the organization of words within sentences, clauses, and phrases, focusing on how sentences are structured and how their elements relate to each other.

Refers to the meaning of words, phrases, and sentences in language. It involves understanding and using vocabulary and the relationships between words to convey ideas.

A speech disorder characterized by disruptions or interruptions in the flow of speech. 

Refers to the quality, pitch, and loudness of a person's speech.

A speech disorder that occurs when too much sound resonates in the nasal cavity during speech.

What are the two main settings of a Speech Pathologist?
Clinical and Education Settings

Additional Vocabulary: Please list their meanings

A tool or device used to aid individuals with communication impairments. 

Difficulty or discomfort in swallowing.

A language disorder that affects a person's ability to communicate, understand language, or produce speech.

Please type a thank you letter to the presenter below:

Dear Mrs. Moss,

Thank you for your insightful presentation on Speech Pathology. Learning about your journey from elementary education to speech pathology at VCU and Hampton University was inspiring. Your passion for helping individuals overcome communication challenges is truly commendable and serves as an inspiration to all of us aspiring to enter the field of Speech Pathology.

Best regards,
Amaan Dhanani