var id="12" var s="7932" var local="zh" // var matchdaysUrl ="" // // // zh en if(Device.locale() == "zh_CN"){ local="zh" } if (args.widgetParameter == "laliga") { //laliga id = 10 s=39319 }else if (args.widgetParameter == "bundesliga") { //bundesliga id=1 s=39285 } else if (args.widgetParameter == "sa") { //serie A id=13 s=39325 }else if (args.widgetParameter == "lue") { //ligue1 uber eats id=23 s=39245 } //You can find more ids and s value here: formatDate() var matchdaysurl=`${id}/${s}/matchdaysOverview.json` const matchjson = await get({ 'url': matchdaysurl }) var matchdayId="" for(var matchday of matchjson.matchdays){ if(matchday.isCurrentMatchday){ matchdayId = } } if( matchdayId.length==0 ){return} var url=`${local}/cn/matchdays/${matchdayId}` // const requestM = new importModule('Env')() const json = await get({ 'url': url }) const w = new ListWidget() const bgColor = new LinearGradient() bgColor.colors = [new Color("#1c1c1c"), new Color("#29323c")] bgColor.locations = [0.0, 1.0] // w.backgroundGradient = bgColor w.backgroundColor = new Color("#222222") var matchDate="" var count=0 for (var item of json.kickoffs) { if(count>4){ break } var date = new Date(item.kickoff) let nowa = new Date() let formatter = new RelativeDateTimeFormatter() let str = formatter.string(date, nowa) console.log(str) if(str.includes( "昨天")||str.includes("yesterday")){ continue } if(date.getDate()!=matchDate){ matchDate=date.getDate() const dLine = w.addText(`${str}`) dLine.textSize = 5 dLine.textColor = new Color("#e587ce") dLine.font = Font.systemFont(10) w.addSpacer(2) } for (match of item.groups[0].matches) { count++ var now = new Date(item.kickoff) // now.setTime(item.kickoff * 1000) // console.log(match.begin_time + now) // console.log(date) console.log(date.getHours()) var homeScore = '' var awayScore = '' if (match.period != 'PreMatch') { homeScore = match.score_home awayScore = match.score_away } var i = 0 var total = for (i = 0; i < 5 - total; i++) { console.log( += " " } var homeWin = "" var awayWin = "" // if (homeScore > awayScore) { // homeWin = "🏆" // } // // if (homeScore < awayScore) { // awayWin = "🏆" // } const stack = w.addStack() w.addSpacer(2) stack.layoutHorizontally() stack.centerAlignContent() const homeimg = await loadImage(`${}.png`) // const timeText = createTextStack(stack, `${now.getHours()}:${now.getMinutes() == 0 ? '00' : now.getMinutes()}`, 40) const timeText = createTextStack(stack, `${now.format("hh:mm")}`, 62) const imagew = stack.addImage(homeimg) imagew.imageSize=new Size(13, 13) const homeText = createTextStack(stack, ` ${} `, 100) homeText.leftAlignText() const scroeText = createTextStack(stack, `${homeWin} ${homeScore} VS ${awayScore} ${awayWin}`, 45) const awayText = createTextStack(stack, ` ${}`, 100) awayText.rightAlignText() // if (today) { homeText.textOpacity = 1 awayText.textOpacity = 1 // } scroeText.textOpacity=1 if (match.period != 'PreMatch' && match.period!= 'FullTime') { homeText.textColor = awayText.textColor = scroeText.textColor = } if (match.period== 'FullTime') { homeText.textOpacity = 0.6 awayText.textOpacity = 0.6 scroeText.textOpacity=0.6 } const img = await loadImage(`${}.png`) const imagew1 = stack.addImage(img) imagew1.imageSize=new Size(20, 20) } // } } w.presentMedium() if (config.runsInWidget) { let widget = w Script.setWidget(widget) Script.complete() } function createTextStack(stack, text, width) { const tmpStack = stack.addStack() tmpStack.size = new Size(width, 20) const widgetText = tmpStack.addText(text) widgetText.font = Font.systemFont(13) // homeText.textColor = new Color("#e587ce") widgetText.textColor = Color.white() widgetText.textOpacity = 0.6 return widgetText } // QuickLook.present(table) async function loadImage(imgUrl) { let req = new Request(imgUrl) let image = await req.loadImage() return image } async function get(opts) { const request = new Request(opts.url) request.headers = { ...opts.headers, ...this.defaultHeaders } var result=await request.loadJSON() console.log(result) return result } async function loadImage(imgUrl) { let req = new Request(imgUrl) let image = await req.loadImage() return image } function formatDate() { Date.prototype.format = function(fmt) { var o = { "M+" : this.getMonth()+1, //月份 "d+" : this.getDate(), //日 "h+" : this.getHours(), //小时 "m+" : this.getMinutes(), //分 "s+" : this.getSeconds(), //秒 "q+" : Math.floor((this.getMonth()+3)/3), //季度 "S" : this.getMilliseconds() //毫秒 }; if(/(y+)/.test(fmt)) { fmt=fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear()+"").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)); } for(var k in o) { if(new RegExp("("+ k +")").test(fmt)){ fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length==1) ? (o[k]) : (("00"+ o[k]).substr((""+ o[k]).length))); } } return fmt; } }