My Winter Break

Tarajee Clahar-Knight

"Best Part of Break?"

In my opinion, I believe break was horrible. I couldnt partake in any activties because I was in trouble. I also got nothing for Christmas, which made the break even worse. If I was to partake in a long break like that again, I wouldnt. It felt like I was suffering and that the days of break were never endless boredom. In the end, the best part of break would be sleeping in, but I barely did that because my sleep schedule was still intertwined with school which caused me to wake up for my regular time in the mornings. And I also missed school, because it is the only place were I am able to see my friends. I also enjoyed listening to music during the break because it helped the time pass. Music I listened to were TV girl, The Smiths, and etc. I also watched my favorite movie, 'The Perks of being a Wallflower'. To conclude, there was no best part of my break and it was so depressing. And overall, I missed school.

"What Could have been Improved about Break?"

literally everything. I wish I didn't let my grades get so bad, which mostly caused for me to have a horrible winter break. But, I feel as though I shouldve gotten a pass because school is hard and being a teenager is hard. Though my actions werent acceptable at all. I wish that my parents could understand that being a teenager is a lot of work, and that taking everything from me make it 10x worse. So, break couldve improved by a lot. And I wish for it to be better next year.