var main = function(){ //Thumbnail //{ var thumbnail, getThumb = ""; //} ]; var sortArr = function(arr, ind){ for(var i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++){ for(var j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++){ if(arr[j][ind] >= arr[i][ind]){ var temp = arr[j]; arr[j] = arr[i]; arr[i] = temp; if(arr[j][0] === arr[i][0]){ arr.splice(i, 1); } } } } }; sortArr(leaderboard, 1); //} //Preliminary configurations //{ smooth(); noStroke(); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); var verify = 0; //} //Fonts //{ var fonts = [createFont("calibri Bold"), createFont("arial black Bold Italic"), createFont("arial black Bold")]; //} //Image for pillar //{ background(255); background(0); fill(255); ellipse(125 / 2, 55, 125, 110); var Ellipse = get(0, 0, 125, 110); background(255); fill(0, 7.5); for(var i = 0; i < 9; i++){ rect(0, 0, i * 2, 110); } var ShadeEllipse = get(0, 0, 125, 110); //ShadeEllipse.mask(Ellipse); //} //Colors //{ //Color schemes var palettes = [ //central column, platform color, background, ball, lava [color(255, 255, 255), color(249, 241, 219), color(252, 213, 129), color(213, 41, 65), color(153, 13, 53)], [color(248, 244, 227), color(255, 137, 102), color(42, 43, 42), color(112, 108, 157), color(229, 68, 109)], [color(255, 228, 250), color(225, 218, 189), color(71, 99, 152), color(141, 200, 178), color(255, 196, 35)], [color(249, 234, 225), color(19, 190, 156), color(170, 153, 143), color(204, 139, 134), color(125, 79, 80)], [color(228, 214, 167), color(200, 130, 196), color(28, 17, 10), color(80, 162, 167), color(155, 41, 21)], [color(165, 196, 212), color(123, 109, 141), color(73, 59, 42), color(132, 153, 177), color(89, 63, 98)], [color(255, 238, 242), color(255, 200, 251), color(89, 87, 88), color(185, 188, 223), color(255, 146, 194)], [color(255, 253, 253), color(240, 225, 0), color(11, 60, 73), color(183, 190, 188), color(125, 35, 109)], [color(203, 121, 58), color(154, 3, 30), color(50, 19, 37), color(95, 15, 64), color(252, 220, 77)], [color(178, 221, 247), color(76, 181, 174), color(100, 180, 200), color(202, 186, 200), color(255, 32, 62)], [color(178, 221, 247), color(48, 107, 172), color(20, 27, 65), color(11, 156, 235), color(145, 142, 244)], [color(232, 233, 243), color(177, 229, 242), color(39, 38, 53), color(166, 166, 168), color(200, 200, 200)], [color(247, 255, 221), color(219, 161, 89), color(232, 233, 155), color(239, 200, 128), color(208, 227, 204)], [color(0, 117, 196), color(214, 81, 8), color(239, 160, 11), color(239, 160, 11), color(89, 31, 10)], [color(240, 231, 216), color(166, 58, 80), color(177, 155, 150), color(186, 110, 110), color(201, 223, 74)], [color(246, 216, 174), color(244, 211, 94), color(46, 64, 87), color(8, 61, 119), color(218, 65, 103)], [color(241, 242, 235), color(86, 98, 70), color(74, 74, 72), color(164, 194, 165), color(216, 218, 211)], [color(255, 194, 226), color(110, 68, 255), color(184, 146, 255), color(255, 144, 179), color(239, 122, 133)], [color(228, 223, 218), color(115, 29, 216), color(193, 102, 107), color(72, 169, 166), color(212, 180, 131)], [color(239, 214, 172), color(67, 37, 52), color(40, 61, 101), color(54, 88, 85), color(196, 73, 0)], [color(145, 245, 173), color(116, 82, 150), color(99, 42, 80), color(139, 158, 183), color(194, 232, 18)], [color(212, 228, 188), color(150, 172, 183), color(72, 35, 60), color(54, 85, 143), color(64, 55, 110)], [color(161, 204, 165), color(65, 93, 67), color(17, 29, 19), color(112, 151, 117), color(143, 155, 190)], [color(213, 230, 141), color(107, 5, 4), color(36, 16, 35), color(163, 50, 11), color(71, 160, 37)], [color(251, 251, 249), color(166, 52, 70), color(0, 0, 4), color(126, 25, 70), color(12, 98, 145)], ]; var Cur_Pal = 1; //Colors of specific aspects var central = color(255), platform = color(255), bg = color(255), ball = color(255), lava = color(255); //Updates palette var switchCol = function(col1, col2){ var r = red(col1), g = green(col1), b = blue(col1); r -= (r - red(col2)) / 10; g -= (g - green(col2)) / 10; b -= (b - blue(col2)) / 10; var newCol = color(r, g, b); return(newCol); }; var updatePalette = function(index){ if(index === undefined){ index = Cur_Pal % (palettes.length - 1); } central = switchCol(central, palettes[index][0]); platform = switchCol(platform, palettes[index][1]); bg = switchCol(bg, palettes[index][2]); ball = switchCol(ball, palettes[index][3]); lava = switchCol(lava, palettes[index][4]); }; for(var i = 0; i < 25; i++){ updatePalette(); } //} //Arrays //{ //The different pages var scenes = [true, false, false, false]; //Used for arrow keys var keys = []; //An array containing all layers var layers = []; //Shows this.points gained var ptsEarned = []; //For menu var titles = [["Endless", 0], ["Play", 0], ["Leaderboard", 0], ["Credits", 0]]; //} //Player object //{ var p = { begin : false, mode : "play", score : 0, highscore : 0, y : 215, prevLev : 0, level : 0, current : 0, goal : 15, jump : -9, maxJump : 9, Level : 1, gameOver : false, splatter : [], display : function(){ pushMatrix(); translate(width / 2, this.y); scale(1 + sin(this.bounce & 180) / 5, 1 - sin(this.bounce % 180) / 5); if(this.level - this.prevLev > 2){ fill(255, 100, 50); ellipse(0, 0, 40, 40); for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){ for(var j = 0; j < 2; j++){ stroke(255, 100 * j, 50 * j, 180); strokeWeight(30 - i * 6); var randy = random(-3, 3) * i; line(randy, i * -15, randy, i * -15 - 10); } } } noStroke(); if(this.level - this.prevLev > 2){ fill(lerpColor(this.fill, color(255, 50, 0), 0.6)); } else { fill(this.fill); } ellipse(0, 0, 30, 30); fill(255, 7.5); for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ ellipse(2 + i / 2, -2 - i / 2, 20 - i / 2, 20 - i / 2); } popMatrix(); for(var i = 0; i < this.splatter.length; i++){ fill(this.fill); ellipse(this.splatter[i][0], this.splatter[i][1], this.splatter[i][4], this.splatter[i][4]); stroke(255, 50); strokeWeight(this.splatter[i][4] / 3); noFill(); arc(this.splatter[i][0], this.splatter[i][1], this.splatter[i][4] / 3, this.splatter[i][4] / 3, 270, 360); noStroke(); this.splatter[i][0] += this.splatter[i][2]; this.splatter[i][1] += this.splatter[i][3]; this.splatter[i][3] += 0.25; if(this.splatter[i][0] < 0 || this.splatter[i][0] > width || this.splatter[i][1] < 0 || this.splatter[i][1] > height){ this.splatter.splice(i, 1); } } if(!p.begin){ fill(0, 150); rect(0, 100, width, 400); fill(255); textFont(fonts[0], 36); text("ARROW KEYS\nor SWIPE\nto move.\n\nAVOID discolored\n areas on the\nplatforms.", width / 2, height / 2 - 30); fill(255, 200, 50); text("> OK <", width / 2, height / 2 + 150); if(mouseY > height / 2 + 130 && mouseY < height / 2 + 170){ this.point = true; if(mouseIsPressed && verify === 0){ this.begin = true; this.point = false; } } else { this.point = false; } } if(this.point){ cursor("pointer"); } else { cursor("default"); } return this; }, run : function(){ this.fill = ball; this.jump = constrain(this.jump, -this.maxJump, this.maxJump); this.y += this.jump; this.jump += 0.6; if(this.mode === "endless"){ this.goal = this.level + 10; } this.bounce -= (this.bounce - 0) / 4; return this; }, move : function(){ if(this.y >= 220){ this.y = 220; for(var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++){ layers[i].l -= this.jump; } for(var i = 0; i < this.splatter.length; i++){ this.splatter[i][1] -= this.jump; } } if(keys[RIGHT]){ for(var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++){ layers[i].angle += 5; } } if(keys[LEFT]){ for(var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++){ layers[i].angle -= 5; } } return this; }, Score : function(){ textFont(fonts[0], 70); pushMatrix(); translate(width / 2, 70); fill(0); text(this.score, 0, 0); fill(0, 100); text(this.score, -2, 1); popMatrix(); this.highscore = max(this.score, this.highscore); if(this.mode === "play"){ fill(255, 50, 50); rect(width - 20, 10, 40, height / 2 + 20, 100); rect(width - 80, -20, 100, 50, 100); fill(255); rect(width - 14, 12, 20, constrain(height / 2 * this. current / this.goal + 6, 0, height / 2 + 6), 100); rect(width - 76, -22, 96, 46, 100); fill(lerpColor(color(255), color(0), 0.1)); rect(width - 10, 30, 6, constrain(height / 2 * this.current / this.goal - 20, 0, height / 2 - 20), 100); fill(0); textFont(fonts[0], 18); text("LVL " + this.Level, width - 35, 10); this.current -= (this.current - this.level) / 4; } }, GameOver : function(){ fill(0, 120); rect(0, 0, width, height); fill(255); rect(0, 120, width, 60); textFont(fonts[2], 30); text("HIGHSCORE : " + this.highscore, width / 2, 90); fill(255, 100, 20); textFont(fonts[2], 50); text("SCORE : " + this.score, width / 2, 150); fill(255); rect(0, 467.5, width, 45); textFont(fonts[2], 50); text("Game Over", width / 2, 330); text(">.<", width / 2, 270); fill(255, 100, 20); textFont(fonts[2], 35); text("RETRY MENU", width / 2, 490); this.point = false; if(mouseY > 470 && mouseY < 510){ if(mouseX > 230 && mouseX < 345){ this.point = true; if(mouseIsPressed && verify === 0){ scenes[1] = false; scenes[0] = true; this.point = false; this.Reset(); verify++; } } else if(mouseX < 185 && mouseX > 55){ this.point = true; if(mouseIsPressed && verify === 0){ this.Reset(); this.point = false; } } else { this.point = false; } } else { this.point = false; } }, Win : function(){ fill(0, 120); rect(0, 0, width, height); fill(255); rect(0, 120, width, 60); textFont(fonts[2], 30); text("HIGHSCORE : " + this.highscore, width / 2, 90); fill(255, 100, 20); textFont(fonts[2], 50); text("SCORE : " + this.score, width / 2, 150); fill(255); rect(0, 467.5, width, 45); textFont(fonts[2], 50); text("Next Level", width / 2, 330); text("^o^", width / 2, 270); fill(255, 100, 20); textFont(fonts[2], 35); text("NEXT MENU", width / 2, 490); this.point = false; if(mouseY > 470 && mouseY < 510){ if(mouseX > 225 && mouseX < 340){ this.point = true; if(mouseIsPressed && verify === 0){ this.Level++; scenes[1] = false; scenes[0] = true; this.point = false; this.Reset(); verify++; } } else if(mouseX < 185 && mouseX > 55){ this.point = true; if(mouseIsPressed && verify === 0){ this.Level++; this.Reset(); this.point = false; } } else { this.point = false; } } else { this.point = false; } }, Reset : function(){ this.score = 0; this.y = 215; this.prevLev = 0; this.level = 0; this.current = 0; this.goal = constrain(this.Level + 15, 0, 30); this.jump = -9; this.gameOver = false; this.splatter = []; Cur_Pal = this.Level % (palettes.length - 1); layers = []; }, }; if(p.score !== 0 && p.highscore !== 0){ throw {message : "NO CHEATING!" }; } //} //Layer object constructor //{ var Layer = function(y, f, lf, l, lava, crax){ //The y-position of the layer this.y = y; //The "goal" y-position of the layer this.l = l; //Angle offset this.angle = random() * 360; //Color this.f = f; this.lavaf = lf; //Open angles if(crax !== undefined){ this.cracks = crax; } else { this.cracks = round(random() * 2 + 1); } //Location of "lava spots" if(lava !== undefined){ this.lava = 0; } else { this.lava = constrain(round(random() * 3 + 1), 0, 6 - this.cracks); } this.lavaSpots = [[], [], [], [], []]; for(var i = 0; i < this.lava; i++){ var randy = round(random() * 330 * 6) / 6; this.lavaSpots[i][0] = randy; this.lavaSpots[i][1] = randy + 30; for(var j = 0; j < this.cracks; j++){ if(j * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1 < this.lavaSpots[i][0] + 30){ this.lavaSpots[i][0] = j * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 90; this.lavaSpots[i][1] = j * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60; } } } //Splatter this.splat = []; //Whether or not its destroyed this.dead = false; this.destroyed = false; }; Layer.prototype.display = function() { //The sides of the platform if(!this.dead){ fill(lerpColor(this.f, color(0), 0.2)); } else if (this.destroyed){ fill(lerpColor(color(250, 50, 0), color(0), 0.2), this.y * 2); } else { fill(lerpColor(color(250, 200, 100), color(0), 0.2), this.y * 2); } for(var i = 0; i < 30; i++){ for(var j = 0; j < this.cracks; j++){ if(i * 12 > j * 360 / this.cracks - 12 && i * 12 < j * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60){ quad(cos(i * 12 + this.angle) * this.w + width / 2, sin(i * 12 + this.angle) * this.h + this.y, cos(i * 12 + this.angle) * this.w + width / 2, sin(i * 12 + this.angle) * this.h + 35 + this.y, cos(i * 12 + 13 + this.angle) * this.w + width / 2, sin(i * 12 + 13 + this.angle) * this.h + 35 + this.y, cos(i * 12 + 13 + this.angle) * this.w + width / 2, sin(i * 12 + 13 + this.angle) * this.h + this.y); } } } //To make sure there aren't side holes in the open angles if(!this.dead){ fill(lerpColor(this.f, color(0), 0.4)); } else if (this.destroyed){ fill(lerpColor(color(250, 50, 0), color(0), 0.4), this.y * 2); } else { fill(lerpColor(color(250, 200, 100), color(0), 0.4), this.y * 2); } for(var i = 0; i < this.cracks; i++){ if((this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 1) % 360 > 90 && (this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 1) % 360 < 270){ quad(cos(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks) * (151 - this.y / 24) / 2 + width / 2, sin(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks) * (this.y / 10 + 51) / 2 + this.y, cos(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks) * (151 - this.y / 24) / 2 + width / 2, sin(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks) * (this.y / 10 + 51) / 2 + this.y + 35, cos(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks) * this.w + width / 2, sin(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks) * this.h + this.y + 35, cos(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks) * this.w + width / 2, sin(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks) * this.h + this.y); } } for(var i = 0; i < this.cracks; i++){ if((this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1) % 360 < 90 || (this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1) % 360 > 270){ quad(cos(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1) * (151 - this.y / 24) / 2 + width / 2, sin(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1) * (this.y / 10 + 51) / 2 + this.y, cos(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1) * (151 - this.y / 24) / 2 + width / 2, sin(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1) * (this.y / 10 + 51) / 2 + this.y + 35, cos(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1) * this.w + width / 2, sin(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1) * this.h + this.y + 35, cos(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1) * this.w + width / 2, sin(this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1) * this.h + this.y); } } //Used to know whether tha ball should bounce this.inLine = 0; //Used to know when the ball touches lava this.onLava = 0; //Creates the top layer of the platform if(!this.dead){ fill(this.f); } else if (this.destroyed){ fill(250, 50, 0, this.y * 2); } else { fill(250, 200, 100, this.y * 2); } for(var i = 1; i <= this.cracks; i++){ arc(width / 2, this.y, 300 - this.y / 12, this.y / 5 + 100, this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 1, this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1); if((this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks - 60 + 1) % 360 < 80 && (this.angle + i * 360 / this.cracks + 360 / this.cracks + 1) % 360 > 100){ this.inLine++; } } if(!this.dead){ fill(this.lavaf); } else if (this.destroyed){ fill(250, 50, 0, this.y * 2); } else { fill(250, 200, 100, this.y * 2); } for(var i = 1; i <= this.lava; i++){ arc(width / 2, this.y, 300 - this.y / 12, this.y / 5 + 100, this.angle + this.lavaSpots[i][0], this.angle + this.lavaSpots[i][1]); if((this.angle + this.lavaSpots[i][0]) % 360 < 100 && (this.angle + this.lavaSpots[i][1]) % 360 > 80){ this.onLava++; } } if(this.cracks === 0){ fill(lerpColor(this.f, color(0), 0.2)); for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++){ ellipse(width / 2, this.y + i * 5, this.w * 2, this.h * 2); } fill(this.f); ellipse(width / 2, this.y, this.w * 2, this.h * 2); } //Splatter on the surface for(var i = 0; i < this.splat.length; i++){ fill(p.fill, this.splat[i][1]); ellipse(cos(this.splat[i][0] + this.angle + this.splat[i][2]) * this.w * (2 / 3 + this.splat[i][3] / 50) + width / 2, sin(this.splat[i][0] + this.angle + this.splat[i][2]) * this.h * (2 / 3 + this.splat[i][3] / 50) + this.y, this.w / this.splat[i][4], this.h / this.splat[i][4]); if(!p.gameOver){ this.splat[i][1] -= 3; } if(this.splat[i][1] <= 0){ this.splat.splice(i, 1); } } //To make a uniform central column fill(central); ellipse(width / 2, this.y, this.w, this.h); quad(width / 2 - this.w / 2, this.y, width / 2 + this.w / 2, this.y, width / 2 + 75, 0, width / 2 - 75, 0); //Shade of the centraol column fill(0, 7.5); for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ quad(width / 2 - this.w / 2, this.y + 3, width / 2 - this.w / 2 + i * 2, this.y + pow(i, 0.05) * (this.y) / 15 + (height - this.y) / 50 + 2, width / 2 - 75 + i * 2, 0, width / 2 - 75, 0); } return this; }; = function(){ if(this.y < 150){ this.dead = true; } //Makes sure "this.angle" is between 0 and 360 if(this.angle < 0){ this.angle += 360; } this.angle = this.angle % 360; //Checks for bouncing if((this.inLine === 0 || this.onLava !== 0) && p.y > 215 && this.y <= 175 && this.y > 165 && !this.dead){ if(this.inLine === 0){ this.splat.push([(-this.angle + 90) % 360, 255, 0, 0, 5]); for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ this.splat.push([(-this.angle + 90) % 360, 255, random(-10, 10), random(-10, 10), random() * 10 + 5]); } for(var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++){ layers[i].l = (layers.length - i - 1) * 200 + 175; } for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){ p.splatter.push([width / 2, p.y, random(-5, 5), random(-7, 5), random() * 10]); } if(p.level - p.prevLev < 3 || this.cracks === 0){ p.y = 215; p.jump = -p.maxJump; p.bounce = 360; } else { p.level++; if(p.mode === "play"){ p.score += (p.level - p.prevLev) * 2 * p.Level; ptsEarned.push([(p.level - p.prevLev) * p.Level * 2, 255]); } else { p.score += (p.level - p.prevLev) * 2 * round(pow(log(p.level + 2), 2)); ptsEarned.push([(p.level - p.prevLev) * 2 * round(pow(log(p.level + 2), 2)), 255]); } p.prevLev += 2; this.destroyed = true; this.dead = true; } p.prevLev = p.level; } if(this.onLava !== 0 && !this.dead){ p.jump = 0; p.y = 215; p.gameOver = true; } } //Makes sure width and height are updated this.w = 150 - this.y / 24; this.h = this.y / 10 + 50; //Updates the y-position this.y -= (this.y - this.l) / 4; }; //} //Populates "layers" with instances of Layer //{ for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){ layers.unshift(new Layer(3000, platform, lava, i * 200 + 175, 0)); } //} //User-defined functions //{ //Creates awesome text var Text = function(m, x, y, f){ pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); fill(f, 25); for(var i = 1; i < 5; i++){ for(var j = 1; j < 5; j++){ pushMatrix(); text(m, cos(i * 72) * j * 1.8, sin(i * 72) * j * 1.8); popMatrix(); } } fill(0, 0, 0, 150); text(m, 0, 0); popMatrix(); }; //Handles and manages the layers var renderLayers = function(){ //Adds a new layer and makes sure "layers" is never lacking if(layers.length < 6 && p.goal - p.level >= 5){ if(layers.length === 0){ for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){ layers.unshift(new Layer(3000, platform, lava, i * 200 + 175, 0)); } } else if(p.goal - p.level === 5){ layers.unshift(new Layer(1000, platform, lava, 1175, 0, 0)); } else { layers.unshift(new Layer(1000, platform, lava, 1175)); } } //Animates the layers for(var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++){ layers[i].display().run(); } //Removes layers that go above boundary for(var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++){ if(layers[i].y < 150 && !layers[i].dead){ p.level++; if(p.mode === "play"){ p.score += (p.level - p.prevLev) * p.Level; ptsEarned.push([(p.level - p.prevLev) * p.Level, 255]); } else { p.score += (p.level - p.prevLev) * round(pow(log(p.level + 2), 2)); ptsEarned.push([(p.level - p.prevLev) * round(pow(log(p.level + 2), 2)), 255]); } } if(layers[i].y < 0){ layers.splice(i, 1); if(p.mode === "endless" && p.level % 6 === 0){ Cur_Pal = round(random() * (palettes.length - 1)); } } } }; //Handles and manages the player var renderPlayer = function(){ //Animates the player p.display(); if(!p.gameOver && p.begin){ p.move().run(); } }; //Handles the playing option var PlayScene = function(){ fill(bg); rect(-1, -1, width + 2, height + 2); fill(255, 20); quad(0, height - 180, width, -80, width, 40, 0, height - 60); quad(0, height - 30, width, 70, width, 140, 0, height + 50); //Central column fill(central); quad(width / 2 - 125 / 2, height, width / 2 + 125 / 2, height, width / 2 + 75, 0, width / 2 - 75, 0); renderLayers(); renderPlayer(); //Score p.Score(); //Pluses for(var i = 0; i < ptsEarned.length; i++){ pushMatrix(); translate(width / 2, 120 + ptsEarned[i][1]); scale(0.9 + ptsEarned[i][1] / 800); fill(250, 200, 100, ptsEarned[i][1]); textFont(fonts[1], 80); text("+" + ptsEarned[i][0], 0, 0); popMatrix(); ptsEarned[i][1] -= 10; if(ptsEarned[i][1] <= 0){ ptsEarned.splice(i, 1); } } //Updates color scheme updatePalette(); //Win scene if(p.level === p.goal && layers.length === 1){ p.Win(); } //Game over scene if(p.gameOver){ p.GameOver(); } }; //General background var BG = function(){ if(layers.length === 0){ for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){ layers.unshift(new Layer(3000, platform, lava, i * 200 + 175, 0)); } } fill(bg); rect(-1, -1, width + 2, height + 2); fill(255, 20); quad(0, height - 180, width, -80, width, 40, 0, height - 60); quad(0, height - 30, width, 70, width, 140, 0, height + 50); //Central column fill(central); quad(width / 2 - 125 / 2, height, width / 2 + 125 / 2, height, width / 2 + 75, 0, width / 2 - 75, 0); for(var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++){ layers[i].display(); layers[i].run(); } if(!scenes[0]){ textFont(fonts[2], 40); Text("Back", 70, 560, color(255, 150, 50)); if(mouseX < 120 && mouseY > 540){ cursor("pointer"); if(mouseIsPressed && verify === 0){ for(var i = 0; i < scenes.length; i++){ scenes[i] = false; } scenes[0] = true; cursor("default"); verify++; } } else { cursor("default"); } } }; //Menu var MenuScene = function(){ textFont(fonts[2], 80); Text("Helix\nJump", width / 2, height / 2 - 150, color(50, 150, 250)); textAlign(LEFT, CENTER); textFont(fonts[2], 40); for(var i = 0; i < titles.length; i++){ fill(255, 100); rect(width / 2 - 120 - titles[i][1] * width, height / 2 + i * 65 + 5 - 25, titles[i][1] * width * 5, 50); pushMatrix(); translate(width / 2 - 160, height / 2 + i * 65 + 5); if(mouseY > height / 2 + i * 65 - 20 && mouseY < height / 2 + i * 65 + 20){ titles[i][1] -= (titles[i][1] - 0.2) / 4; if(mouseIsPressed && verify === 0){ scenes[0] = false; scenes[constrain(i - 1, 0, 4) + 1] = true; if(i === 0){ p.mode = "endless"; } if(i === 1){ p.mode = "play"; } } } else { titles[i][1] -= (titles[i][1]) / 4; } scale(titles[i][1] + 1); Text(titles[i][0], 0, 0, color(255)); popMatrix(); } textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); }; //Ledaerboard var Leaderboard = function(){ textFont(fonts[2], 70); Text("Leader\nboard", width / 2, height / 2 - 175, color(50, 150, 250)); fill(0, 100); rect(0, 240, width, height / 2 - 20); textAlign(LEFT, CENTER); textFont(fonts[2], 12); for(var i = 0; i < leaderboard.length; i++){ fill(255, 255 - i * 15); text((i + 1) + "] " + leaderboard[i][0] + " : " + leaderboard[i][1], width / 2 - 150, i * 15 + 260); } textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); }; //Credits var Credits = function(){ textFont(fonts[2], 80); Text("Helix\nJump", width / 2, height / 2 - 150, color(50, 150, 250)); textAlign(LEFT, CENTER); textFont(fonts[0], 30); Text("All Code by\n ARROWHEAD CO.\n\nBased on\nHELIX JUMP by\n VOODOO", width / 2 - 160, height / 2 + 90, color(255, 255, 255)); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); }; //} //Draw function //{ draw = function() { background(255); if(scenes[1]){ PlayScene(); } else { BG(); } if(scenes[0]){ MenuScene(); } if(scenes[2]){ Leaderboard(); } if(scenes[3]){ Credits(); } if(getThumb === "saycheese;]"){ Cur_Pal = 17; thumbnail = get(0, 0, width, height); fill(255); rect(0, 0, width, height); image(thumbnail, width * width / height / 4, 0, width * width / height, height); } verify++; }; //} //Other functions //{ //In case user chooses to use mouse mousePressed = function(){ verify = 0; }; mouseDragged = function(){ if(!p.gameOver && scenes[1] && p.begin){ for(var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++){ layers[i].angle += (pmouseX - mouseX) * 2; } } }; //Used for arrow keys keyPressed = function(){ keys[keyCode] = true; if(getThumb !== "saycheese;]"){getThumb += key.toString();} }; keyReleased = function(){ keys[keyCode] = false; }; //} }; main(); //end of code :00