How to 3D Model in Panzoid Gen4!

So you wanna learn how to do some 3D? Ya wanna make 3D models like this?

Well, just ya wait! As I will teach you everything you need to know!

Table of Contents

1. Basics

2. 3D Objects

3. Static Geometries

4. Groups

5. Creating a 3D Character

6. Saving/Exporting


1. Basics

Panzoid Gen4 is a program used to edit videos and intros. It can also be used for creating 3D models, which is what we are gonna be doing. We're gonna learn the basics of Panzoid Gen4.
Now first go to the Panzoid Website, and it should look like this:

Now click on "Try gen4" button, and this is what you should see:

You can press the skip button, but if you want your 3D model to be saved whenever you go on Gen4, you can create an account by pressing "Log in".
Now this is what it should look like when you go to the main thing.
You should see an example project, but we are gonna press the "+New" button and this is where we are gonna create our first creation.

Now when you create a new project, this is what it should look like:

Now we're gonna click on the button that says "Sequence".

When you click it, it should look like this:

Now what we are gonna do is drag the thing that says "Scene" into the timeline like this:

Now what we are gonna do is double click on the scene in the timeline, and this should happen:

Now we are gonna click on the camera icon to look at a 3d view.

It should look like this. Feel free to drag to move the camera. You can also scroll to zoom in and out, and hold rightclick while dragging to pan.

Now let's move on to some 3D objects!


2. 3D objects

Now what we are gonna do is add some 3D shapes! Now first you click on the "+" button and you should see a bunch of options. We are gonna click on "Shape". You may wanna scroll to find if you want.

Note: I was working on this wiki before the newest gen4 update, so instead of clicking on shape, you have to choose some shapes, but I recommend choosing Cube or Sphere.

Now you should see a box:

You can select it by clicking on the shape.

You can make it a different shape by pressing the "*" button. It's next to Box.

Now here are the list of shapes you can create:






A flat plane

A Circle

There are more shapes, but those have static geometry, which is the next chapter. Now let's get into position!

Position is basically where objects are located. You can move objects by clicking on this button:

It should look like this:

Now here are the positions and what they mean:

You can drag the numbers next to "Position" to move it. You can simply experiment with where it should be.

Now let's go on and rotate! (Cheesy transition, but whatever.)

Rotation is when an object turns (obviously).

Here are the rotations and what they mean:

They are kinda confusing, but you'll figure it out.

You can also drag the numbers the same way as the position.

Now let's talk about scale!

Scale is when something changes size (obviously), ok I'll stop saying obviously.

Note: When you try to change the size, it retains the same aspect ratio. We wanna stretch this object (but it's up to you).

You can stretch this object by clicking on the triangle on the left (sort of like a dropdown).

Cool! Now it's stretched!

You can also change the color of the shape like this:

You can go experiment with the color.

Now at this point, you may wonder why the shape looks flat and not shaded. Don't worry, there's a way!

So what you do is click on the "*" next to Basic, and click on "Physical".

We can't see it because it's black, but there is a way!

Click on the "+" and add a spotlight.

Now it should look like this:

Note: You may wanna adjust the position to get the light to point where you want it to go.

Cool! We can see it with light now! Amazing!

But it's all darkish gray, but you can change the color by going into "Materials" and you should see this

The Emissive is the dark part (shading/shadow) while the Color is the lighting.

You gotta make sure to make the Emissive a dark color, while the color above is a light color, sort of like this:

There is also roughnesss. Roughness controls how shiny an object is.

I'm not gonna tell you what the rest does, so experiment with it!

I'm gonna be explaining all of that in a future tutorial, now let's move on to the next chapter.


3. Static Geometries

Static Geometries is basically the elements you can modify to a shape. Here are the Static Geometries of a Sphere:

Other shapes also have Static Geometries, but you can experiment, cuz I'm not explaining the whole thing, and this might be the shortest chapter of all.

We will use Static Geometries when we create a character in Ch5 though.


4. Groups

Groups are a entity that, if you drag shapes into the group, you can move those shapes at the same time.

Now what you do is you click on that "+" button, and scroll until you find "Group."

Now you should see a red dot

Note: If you can't see that red dot, click the red camera twice, or press "S" twice

Now what you should do is make a new shape, or duplicate a shape by right clicking on the shape.

Now it may look like there's one shape, but that's because when you duplicate something, it appears at the same place as the object you duplicated. Let's move it!

Now that was taken care of, one more thing...

Drag the 2 shapes into the group (do not drag the spotlight and camera)

And now, select the group part, and we can now drag shapes simultaneously:

Same also applies to size, and rotation.


5. Creating a 3D Character

Now we reached the part where we are gonna use the skills I taught you before, and we're gonna make a 3D character together!

Now let's move to what you should and shouldn't do:

What you should do:

For this 3D modeling example, we are gonna 3D model 7up's mascot, CoolSpot. He is basically a Spot with a face, arms, and legs, but I'm gonna 3d model a character with an actual body after this.

Now what you do is create a group. This is where you will 3D model your character. Make sure to change the position of the group (specifically bring it up). The reason why is because it defines how tall the character is and it is also the middle of the character. The red dot indicates where the group is, but if you can't see the group's dot, then go to the top right and turn on camera and turn off again.

Now next what you should do is rename the group. You should rename it the character, the character you're 3D modeling.

Now click on the “+” that is next to the group you created. Now I'm gonna put a group inside this group.

Now I will name it “Body” because we are gonna make the character's body.

Now we are gonna add a shape inside the “Body” group. I choose cylinder. You'll see why.

Here's a tip, when 3D modeling a character, search up an image for a reference, so that you can copy it as a 3D model.

Now we have a cylinder. Now this is what I'm gonna do…

I'm gonna change the height of the cylinder to make it short. Why couldn't I just go into scale and change the height that way? Because it is a fast way.

Now we are gonna go and rotate the shape to 90 degrees. The reason is because it is half the straight angle. The straight angle is 180.

Now I just realized the position of the “CoolSpot” group. Don't worry, just adjust the position of the group. Now we have room for the legs.

Now what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna go into the shape and change the material to “Physical”.

And I'm gonna change the roughness (how shiny it is) and I'm gonna change the emissive and the color.

Now I'm gonna make the 3D model without commentary so you could study and learn from the step by step.

Now we are done with the body. Now I'm gonna tell you what I did.

Basically, I took a cylinder, rotated it 90 degrees, scaled it smaller slightly, and adjusted the theta start and length. That's how I made the sunglasses

Now we are gonna add the arms and the legs. Always use a reference so that you would know what a character's arms and legs look like.

So for the arms, you gotta make a group for both of the arms. Do not make a group inside the body, unless the character has a torso. We're gonna 3D model another character with a torso later.

For the hands, just make it a sphere, but if the hand happens to be detailed, put it in its own group inside the arm group.

Make sure the arm is below the red dot. This is good for rotating the arm to make it point in various directions. Same applies to legs too.

Now all you gotta do is rotate the arm in a regular direction and duplicate it, and rotate and move it.

Now for the legs. Do the same as the arms, and if the foot/shoe happens to be detailed or has many objects, put that in its own group in the legs group. Simple

Now we have CoolSpot!!