import { createBareServer } from "@tomphttp/bare-server-node"; import express from "express"; import { createServer } from "node:http"; import { publicPath } from "ultraviolet-static"; import { uvPath } from "@titaniumnetwork-dev/ultraviolet"; import { join } from "node:path"; import { hostname } from "node:os"; const bare = createBareServer("/bare/"); const app = express(); // Load our publicPath first and prioritize it over UV. app.use(express.static(publicPath)); // Load vendor files last. // The vendor's uv.config.js won't conflict with our uv.config.js inside the publicPath directory. app.use("/uv/", express.static(uvPath)); // Error for everything else app.use((req, res) => { res.status(404); res.sendFile(join(publicPath, "404.html")); }); const server = createServer(); server.on("request", (req, res) => { if (bare.shouldRoute(req)) { bare.routeRequest(req, res); } else { app(req, res); } }); server.on("upgrade", (req, socket, head) => { if (bare.shouldRoute(req)) { bare.routeUpgrade(req, socket, head); } else { socket.end(); } }); let port = parseInt(process.env.PORT || ""); if (isNaN(port)) port = 8080; server.on("listening", () => { const address = server.address(); // by default we are listening on (every interface) // we just need to list a few console.log("Listening on:"); console.log(`\thttp://localhost:${address.port}`); console.log(`\thttp://${hostname()}:${address.port}`); console.log( `\thttp://${ === "IPv6" ? `[${address.address}]` : address.address }:${address.port}` ); }); // process.on("SIGINT", shutdown); process.on("SIGTERM", shutdown); function shutdown() { console.log("SIGTERM signal received: closing HTTP server"); server.close(); bare.close(); process.exit(0); } server.listen({ port, });