TSGames| 0.00%
BankOfJustice| 0.00%
ChiChiCos| 0.00%
Crypto Lam| 0.00% - Neutral

Days: 0

Cash: 0

Your stock: 0

Your stock: 0

Your stock: 0


You have 365 days to make as much money as you can!

The more stock you have, the more money you will make or lose.

Games still in beta version, expect bugs and mess ups. We will also update this game, like making more stocks. Made by TSGames

End information

Days survived: 0

Cash: 0

You owe taxes!

Amount: 1000 Cash


You got arrested!

You should've paid your taxes!

Taxes you owe: 0

Time to pay your bills!

You owe: 500 Cash

Time till bills: 30