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Bookmarklet Description Works in
shell Opens a JavaScript Shell and allows it to access the current page. Details Moz
jsenv Opens a JavaScript Development Environment and allows it to access the current page. Details Moz
test styles Type in CSS rules to experiment or to create a temporary user style sheet. Details Moz Op7
edit styles Experiment with changes to the page's style sheet. Details Moz
ancestors Lists the ancestors of any element you hover over in the status bar. Details IE Moz
computed styles Lists the computed styles of an element and of its ancestors. Details Moz
zap style sheets Disables all style sheets. Details IE Moz
zap presentational html Removes most presentational attributes and tags while leaving style sheets intact. Details IE Moz Op7
view style sheets Displays linked and embedded style sheets. Details Moz
view scripts Displays linked and embedded scripts. Details Moz
view variables Displays all JavaScript variables and functions. Details Moz Op7
list classes Lists classes used in the document. Details IE Moz Op7
generated source Displays the current DOM tree of the page as HTML. Details IE Moz
partial source Displays the current DOM tree of the selection as HTML. Details Moz
serialize as xml Displays the current DOM tree of the page as XML. Details Moz Op7
show blocks Draws borders to show tables (colors indicate nesting), paragraphs, and divs. Details IE Moz Op7
topographic view Shows the nesting level of every element using shading. Details IE Moz Op7
topo with borders Shows the nesting level of every element using shading and 3D borders. Details Moz Op7
make link Creates the HTML code to link to the current page. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
make img tag Creates the XHTML code to include the current image. Details Moz Op7
named anchors Makes anchors visible, letting you link to or bookmark a section of a page. Details IE Moz Op7
onerror status When a JavaScript error occurs, shows the error message in the status bar. Details IE Moz NS4
onerror alert When a JavaScript error occurs, shows the error message in a dialog. Details IE Moz NS4
Bookmarklet Description Works in
Add borders Adds a green border around each element on the page. Details IE Moz Op7
Buttonify Turns the entire page into a <button>. Details IE Moz Op7
Rewrite page Rewrites the page using document.write(innerHTML). Details IE Moz Op7
reset innerHTML Rewrites the page using innerHTML = innerHTML. Details Moz
Reset body HTML Rewrites the page using body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML. Details IE Moz Op7
clone document Copies the document into a new window. Details Moz
clone slowly Clones page several chars at a time (to test incremental rendering) Details IE Moz
Bookmarklet Description Works in
up Goes up a directory from the page you're viewing. Details IE Moz Op7
top Goes to the top level of the site. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
increment Increases the last number in the URL by 1. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
decrement Decreases the last number in the URL by 1. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
make numbered list Creates a list of URLs with each number looped through a range you specify. Details Moz
go to referrer Like clicking Back, but works even after opening a link in a new window. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
back to first Goes to the first page in this window's history. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
add sidebar Adds the page you're viewing as sidebar panel. Details Moz
domain owner Tells you who owns the domain of the page you're viewing. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
edit page Lets you edit the page. Details IE Moz
view cookies Shows the cookies stored by the page you're viewing. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
transfer cookies Creates a bookmarklet you can use to move cookies to another browser. Details IE Moz Op7
zap cookies Removes cookies set by the site, including cookies with paths and domains. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
babelfish Translates from 11 languages (you choose the language) to English. Details Moz
google translate Translates from 5 languages (it guesses the language) to English. Details IE Moz Op7
Bookmarklet Description Works in
frmget Makes "Post" forms submit to bookmarkable URLs (with ?var=value). Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
toggle checkboxes Toggles the state of each checkbox on the page. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
next option Selects the next option in each group of option buttons. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
allow no option Click on a selected option button to clear the selection. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
remove maxlength Removes maxLength restrictions from textboxes. Details IE Moz Op7
enlarge textareas Makes textareas 5 lines taller. Details IE Moz Op7
show hiddens Shows hidden form elements. Details IE Moz Op7
undisable Enables all form elements. Details IE Moz Op7
character count Displays a running count of the characters in each textbox. Details IE Moz Op7
view passwords Shows the contents of password fields. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
remember password Makes the browser ignore web site requests to not remember passwords. Details Moz
htmlarea ie Lets you edit textareas expecting HTML code as wysiwyg. (IE) Details IE
htmlarea moz Lets you edit textareas expecting HTML code as wysiwyg. (Mozilla) Details Moz
Bookmarklet Description Works in
highlight Highlights each occurrence of a search phrase. Details Moz Op7
highlight regexp Highlights each match for a regular expression. Details Moz Op7
zoom images in Doubles the size of each image on the page. Details IE Moz Op7
zoom images out Halves the size of each image on the page. Details IE Moz Op7
zoom layout Increases the size of fixed-pixel-size layout elements and images. Details IE Moz Op7
view selection Displays the selection in a new window. Details IE Moz
sort table Lets you sort tables in a web page alphabetically. Details IE Moz Op7
number rows Numbers the rows of each table. Details IE Moz Op7
transpose tables Turns table rows into columns and vice versa. Details IE Moz Op7
bullets to numbers Turns bulleted lists into numbered lists. Details IE Moz Op7
number lines Numbers lines in <pre> tags or plain-text documents. Details IE Moz
rot13 selection Replaces each letter in the selected text with its rot13 equivalent. Details Moz
Bookmarklet Description Works in
zap plugins Removes java, flash, background music, and third-party iframes. Details IE Moz Op7
zap colors Makes text black on a white background, and makes links blue and purple. Details IE Moz Op7
zap cheap effects Neutralizes <marquee> and <blink>. Details IE Moz
zap events Removes event handlers, killing blind links and exit pop-up ads. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
zap timers Removes timers that were created with setTimeout or setInterval. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
zap Zaps plugins, colors, cheap effects, event handlers, and timers. Details Moz
zap images Replaces each image with its alternate text. Details IE Moz Op7
linearize Linearizes the text of the page and removes most non-text elements. Details Moz Op7
printer friendly Finds and follows a link to a "print-friendly" version of a page. Details IE Moz Op7
zap presentational html Removes most presentational attributes and tags while leaving style sheets intact. Details IE Moz Op7
zap style sheets Disables all style sheets. Details IE Moz
zap cookies Removes cookies set by the site, including cookies with paths and domains. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
zap white backgrounds Changes white and near-white backgrounds to tan. Details Moz
restore context menu Fixes pages that disable context menus. Details IE Moz NS4
restore selecting Fixes pages that disable text selection. Details IE Moz
remove redirects Changes redirecting links to go directly to the "real" target. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
lowercase Makes body text and text in textareas all-lowercase. Details IE Moz
deleet Makes 1337 5p34|{ somewhat more readable. Details IE Moz Op7
force wrap Fixes table layouts expanded by very long words. Details IE Moz
trigger rollovers Triggers JavaScript rollovers, fixing most mystery meat navigation. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
Bookmarklet Description Works in
validate html Validates HTML using the W3C HTML validator. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
quick validate Validates HTML, avoiding "missing doctype" and "missing charset" errors. Details Moz
netcraft Tells you what type of server a site uses and displays an uptime graph. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
http headers Uses Web Sniffer to display HTTP headers. Details IE Moz NS4 Op7
grayscale Applies a "black and white TV" filter to the page. Details IE
PDAize Lets you see what a page might look like on a PDA. Details Moz
linearize Linearizes the text of the page and removes most non-text elements. Details Moz Op7
check images Lists the URLs of broken images. Details IE Moz
zap images Replaces each image with its alternate text. Details IE Moz Op7
check alts Shows which images have missing and empty alts using borders and tooltips. Details Moz
list alts Lists images and their alternate text (or "missing" or "empty"). Details Moz
blogidate html4.01 transitional Validates HTML fragments in textareas. Details Moz
blogidate html4.01 strict Validates HTML fragments in textareas. Details Moz
blogidate xhtml1 transitional Validates XHTML fragments in textareas. Details Moz
blogidate xhtml1 strict Validates XHTML fragments in textareas. Details Moz
blogidate xml well-formedness Quickly checks the well-formedness of XML fragments in textareas. Details Moz