Winter Break

Best Part of Break

The best part of my winter break was spending time with my family. I havent really got to spend time with my family as much as I wanted to due to school and other stuff. Me and my family went to the Bushnell Park in Hartford and we saw the firework show and ate some good food. It was really fun to see the firework show and especially with my family. Me and my family went to go see a movie at the theaters. We saw Good Burger 2 and had an amazing time wathcing the movie together.

Something that Could have been Improved about Break

Something that could have been improved about break was how long it was. I think I talk for everyone when I say the break should have been longer we only got 1 week and usually get around 2. In 1 week over break I did fun stuff but didnt have time to do more fun stuff and just to get a break from school and relax myself.

Bushnell Park Firework Show