// ==UserScript== // @name Name as shown to the user when locale is english or unknown // @name:ru Name as shown to the user when locale is russian // @description Description as shown to the user when locale is english or unknown // @description:ru Description as shown to the user when locale is russian // @icon https://myhomepage.com/myuserscript.png // @version // @downloadURL https://dl.myhomepage.org/myuserscript.user.js // @updateURL https://dl.myhomepage.org/myuserscript.meta.js // @homepageURL https://myhomepage.com/myuserscript // @include * // @exclude *://website.com/* // @resource https://myhomepage.com/myuserscript.css // @require https://myhomepage.com/mylibrary.js // @grant property:settings // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== !function(){( alert("I am loaded!"); )}();