# [People] 1:1 meeting :::info :bulb: Before the 1:1 meeting, ask the manager and employee to fill in the answer. You can design questions according to your needs. ::: ### :small_blue_diamond: **Date:** ### :small_blue_diamond: **Time:** ## :white_check_mark: Questions for Manager ### 1. What are your worries regarding this company? #### Answers: ### 2. What are your priorities? #### Answer: ### 3. How can I support you better? #### Answer: ### 4. Is there anything that you would like to discuss or bring to my attention? #### Answer: ### 5. What are the biggest challenges leading the team? #### Answer: ## :heavy_check_mark: Questions for Employee ### 1. How is everything going lately? #### Answer: ### 2. How was work last week? #### Answer: ### 3. In the previous meeting, you told me you struct in the challenge. How is it going? #### Answer: ### 4. What do you need from me as your manager to be successful in your role? #### Answer: ### 5. How do you feel about your current role and responsibilities? ### 6. Are you enjoying your work and feeling fulfilled? #### Answer: