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Save your page and get a link to view it live, anywhere. let LT_ANG; let RT_ANG; let RB_ANG; let LB_ANG; class BallHandler { constructor() { LT_ANG = atan2(-16, -32); RT_ANG = atan2(-16, 32); RB_ANG = atan2(16, 32); LB_ANG = atan2(16, -32); console.log(LT_ANG, RT_ANG, RB_ANG, LB_ANG); this.balls = 0; //this.displaying = 1; // 24x24 this.basic = []; = "Basic Ball"; this.basic.description = "Standard ball.\nBounces and stuff."; this.basic.startPrice = BASIC_START_PRICE; this.basic.price = BASIC_START_PRICE; this.basic.growth = BASIC_GROWTH; this.basic.damageDealt = 0; this.basic.speedIncrease = 1; this.basic.speedLimit = 10; this.basic.powerIncrease = 1; this.basic.size = 24; this.basic.speed = 1; this.basic.power = 1; this.basic.graphic = BASIC_GRAPHIC; this.plasma = []; = "Plasma Ball"; this.plasma.description = "25% splash dama\nge"; this.plasma.startPrice = PLASMA_START_PRICE; this.plasma.price = PLASMA_START_PRICE; this.plasma.growth = PLASMA_GROWTH; this.plasma.damageDealt = 0; //this.plasma.speedIncrease = 1; //this.plasma.speedLimit = 10; this.plasma.powerIncrease = 3; this.plasma.range = 1; this.plasma.size = 24; this.plasma.speed = 2; this.plasma.power = 3; this.plasma.graphic = PLASMA_GRAPHIC; this.sniper = []; = "Sniper Ball"; this.sniper.description = "Seeker boy"; this.sniper.startPrice = SNIPER_START_PRICE; this.sniper.price = SNIPER_START_PRICE; this.sniper.growth = SNIPER_GROWTH; this.sniper.damageDealt = 0; this.sniper.speedIncrease = 1; this.sniper.speedLimit = 10; this.sniper.powerIncrease = 5; this.sniper.size = 24; this.sniper.speed = 4; //30 (too fast);//4; this.sniper.power = 5; this.sniper.graphic = SNIPER_GRAPHIC; this.scatter = []; = "Scatter Ball"; this.scatter.description = "Creates single hit\nballs with half dam-\nage"; this.scatter.startPrice = SCATTER_START_PRICE; this.scatter.price = SCATTER_START_PRICE; this.scatter.growth = SCATTER_GROWTH; this.scatter.damageDealt = 0; //this.scatter.speedIncrease = 1; //this.scatter.speedLimit = 10; this.scatter.powerIncrease = 10; this.scatter.balls = 2; this.scatter.size = 24; this.scatter.speed = 3; this.scatter.power = 10; this.scatter.graphic = SCATTER_GRAPHIC; = []; = "Mini Ball"; = 16; = MINI_GRAPHIC; // 32x32 this.cannon = []; = "Cannon Ball"; this.cannon.description = "Doesn't stop for\nweaklings."; this.cannon.startPrice = CANNON_START_PRICE; this.cannon.price = CANNON_START_PRICE; this.cannon.growth = CANNON_GROWTH; this.cannon.damageDealt = 0; this.cannon.speedIncrease = 2; this.cannon.speedLimit = 16; this.cannon.powerIncrease = 25; this.cannon.size = 32; this.cannon.speed = 4; this.cannon.power = 50; this.cannon.graphic = CANNON_GRAPHIC; // 24x24 this.poison = []; = "Poison Ball"; this.poison.description = "Hit bricks take\ndouble damage"; this.poison.startPrice = POISON_START_PRICE; this.poison.price = POISON_START_PRICE; this.poison.growth = POISON_GROWTH; this.poison.damageDealt = 0; this.poison.speedIncrease = 2; this.poison.speedLimit = 15; this.poison.powerIncrease = 5; this.poison.size = 24; this.poison.speed = 5; this.poison.power = 5; this.poison.graphic = POISON_GRAPHIC; this.all = [ this.basic, this.plasma, this.sniper, this.scatter, this.cannon, this.poison,, ]; /*this.lastFrame = { i: 0, j: 0, };*/ // = 32 * 32; } canAddBall() { return this.balls < maxBalls; } addBall(arr, ball) { this.balls++; arr.push(ball); } pushOut(ball, bl, distSq) { let cx, cy; do { //console.log("Pushing out"); ball[0] -= ball[2] * 0.2; ball[1] -= ball[3] * 0.2; cx = max(min(ball[0], bl.x + 64), bl.x); cy = max(min(ball[1], bl.y + 32), bl.y); distSq = (ball[0] - cx) * (ball[0] - cx) + (ball[1] - cy) * (ball[1] - cy); } while (distSq === 0); } distSq(ball, block, y) { let dx = ball[0] - (block.x !== undefined ? block.x : block); dx *= dx; let dy = ball[1] - (block.y !== undefined ? block.y : y); dy *= dy; return dx + dy; } containsPoint(block, p) { return p.x >= block.x && p.x <= block.x + 64 && p.y >= block.y && p.y <= block.y + 32; } intersects(b, r, x, y) { const dx = abs(x - b.x - 32); const dy = abs(y - b.y - 16); if (dx > 32 + r) return false; if (dy > 16 + r) return false; if (dx <= 32) return true; if (dy <= 16) return true; const cdsq = (dx - 32) * (dx - 32) + (dy - 16) * (dy - 16); return cdsq <= r * r; } update() { for (const ballType of this.all) { const r = ballType.size / 2; const rSq = r * r; let speed, dmg; if (ballType === { speed = this.scatter.speed; speed /= round(2); dmg = this.scatter.power + powerData[].level * this.scatter.powerIncrease; dmg *= round(0.5); } else { speed = ballType.speed + (ballType.speedIncrease || 0) * speedData[].level * 0.9; dmg = ballType.power + powerData[].level * ballType.powerIncrease; } for (const ball of ballType) { if (!ball) continue; let [x, y, vx, vy] = ball; ball[0] += ball[2] * speed; ball[1] += ball[3] * speed; const leftWall = x < r && vx < 0; const rightWall = x > world.w - r && vx > 0; const topWall = y < r && vy < 0; const botWall = y > world.h - r && vy > 0; if (leftWall || rightWall || topWall || botWall) { ball[0] = leftWall ? r : rightWall ? world.w - r : ball[0]; ball[1] = topWall ? r : botWall ? world.h - r : ball[1]; if (ballType === this.sniper) { let closest = 100000000; let cx, cy; for (const b of world.blocks) { if (!b) continue; const dsq = this.distSq(ball, b.x + 32, b.y + 16); if (dsq < closest) { closest = dsq; cx = b.x + 32; cy = b.y + 16; } } const angRad = atan2(cy - ball[1], cx - ball[0]); ball[2] = cos(angRad); ball[3] = sin(angRad); } else { ball[2] = leftWall || rightWall ? -ball[2] : ball[2]; ball[3] = topWall || botWall ? -ball[3] : ball[3]; if (ballType === this.scatter) { // TODO: Scatter logic for (let i = 0; i < this.scatter.balls + speedData[].level; i++) { const idx =;[idx] = [ball[0], ball[1], ball[2], ball[3], idx]; const r = random(HALF_PI); let rad; let mx = 1, my = 1; if (leftWall) rad = -QUARTER_PI + r; else if (topWall) rad = QUARTER_PI + r; else if (botWall) rad = -QUARTER_PI * 3 + r; else if (rightWall) rad = QUARTER_PI * 3 + r; // TODO: Fix[idx][2] = cos(rad);[idx][3] = sin(rad); } } } } else { for (const b of world.blocks) { if (!b) continue; const sqd = this.distSq(ball, b.x + 32, b.y + 16); if (sqd > (r + 64) * (r + 64)) continue; [x, y, vx, vy] = ball; // Check if (this.intersects(b, r, x, y)) { const cx = b.x + 32; const cy = b.y + 16; const a = atan2(y - cy, x - cx); if (a > LT_ANG && a < RT_ANG && vy > 0) { vy = -vy; } else if (a >= RT_ANG && a <= RB_ANG && vx < 0) { vx = -vx; } else if (a > RB_ANG && a < LB_ANG && vy < 0) { vy = -vy; } else if (a >= LB_ANG || a <= LT_ANG && vx > 0) { vx = -vx; } if (ballType === this.poison) { b.debuff = true; } } if (ball[2] !== vx || ball[3] !== vy) { if (ballType === {[ball[4]] = null; } // Collision //const dmg = ballType.power + powerData[].level * ballType.powerIncrease; const dd = world.damage(b, dmg, ballType); if (ballType === this.plasma) { const range = 48 + 20 * (ballType.range + speedData[].level); const rangeSq = range * range; for (let i = 0; i < world.blocks.length; i++) { const bb = world.blocks[i]; if (!bb) continue; // If commented out, applies splash damage to hit block too // if (bb === b) continue; const bx = max(min(ball[0], bb.x + 64), bb.x); const by = max(min(ball[1], bb.y + 32), bb.y); if (this.distSq(ball, bx, by) <= rangeSq) { const splashDmg = ceil(dmg * 0.25); const spdd = > splashDmg ? splashDmg :; ballType.damageDealt += spdd; world.damage(bb, splashDmg); } } } if (ballType !== this.cannon || > 0) { ball[2] = vx; ball[3] = vy; break; } } } } } } } render(time) { for (let i = 0; i < this.all.length; i++) { const type = this.all[i]; for (let j = 0; j < type.length; j++) { //if (type === console.log(type); if (!type[j]) continue; image(type.graphic, type[j][0], type[j][1]); } } } }