Winter Break

Jasmines winter break

Best parts of winter break


On Christmas eve Alex came over to my house we watched the Hunger Games, an Elf Story, and the Polar Express. After that we put on our matching pajamas on and ate chinese food because at my house its a tradition. Then we played a game called blank slant I won of course.


On Christmas I opened gifts with my mom, aunt, grandma, dad, brother, and my doggy Dimitri. I had gotten uggs, a new purse, a gold plated necklace and etc.


On New Years eve I went shopping with my brother and mom but when I got home I cleaned my room so I could go into the new year with a clean room. After I facetimed Alex because theres no one I'd rather go into the new year with as him being my friend for 11 years and my boyfriend for 1 year and 3 months.

What could have been better


On friday night I had went to a party with my friends and my moms friends. We played games, and ate pernil with arroz and mac and cheese. I was bored so I facetimed sophia and we played roblox together and played a stupid game about an angry granny.This couldve been better because the party was boring but Sophia was on the phone with me.


This day couldve been better if Alex didnt have to leave but I said hi to his mommy and gave her a gift.