LDCT Quality: Good Acceptable Not Acceptable
CTDIvol: mGy Total DLP: mGy*cm
In comparison with the prior CT, Date (Y)/ (M)/ (D) No prior chest CT available

Lung nodule findings related to cancer screening
Insignificant ( <6 mm) lung nodule or the nodule is definitely benign (including perifissural nodule(s) <10 mm)

Significant (≧6 mm) nodule: total number 1 2 3 ≧4, and described as followings:
請依序描述最懷疑之肺結節(至多3個) (Describe the most worrisome 3 nodules in order)
   Lung nodule 1 (size, character and location)
         Entire Nodule: mm
         Density: non-solid part-solid (solid part: mm) solid
         Lobe: (SE: , IM: ) RUL RML RLL LUL LLL
         The nodule is unchanged enlarging (>1.5 mm) newly found (≧4 mm) in follow-up No prior chest CT comparison
   Lung nodule 2 (size, character and location)
         Entire Nodule: mm
         Density: non-solid part-solid (solid part: mm) solid
         Lobe: (SE: , IM: ) RUL RML RLL LUL LLL
         The nodule is unchanged enlarging (>1.5 mm) newly found (≧4 mm) in follow-up No prior chest CT comparison
   Lung nodule 3 (size, character and location)
         Entire Nodule: mm
         Density: non-solid part-solid (solid part: mm) solid
         Lobe: (SE: , IM: ) RUL RML RLL LUL LLL
         The nodule is unchanged enlarging (>1.5 mm) newly found (≧4 mm) in follow-up No prior chest CT comparison

Lung nodules else
         RUL (SE: , IM: )
         RML (SE: , IM: )
         RLL (SE: , IM: )
         LUL (SE: , IM: )
         LLL (SE: , IM: )
The pattern of lung nodules has the possibility of metastases

Other Lung Findings Emphysema Bronchiectasis Bronchitis/bronchiolitis Tree-in-bud pattern Centrilobular nodules

Other Findings
Enlarged lymph nodes, location
Coronary artery calcification
Other significant abnormal chest findings
Other significant abnormal abdominal or neck findings in this chest CT scan

1.所有的結節均須在lung window下測量
2.結節的定義為圓形陰影,最大可達30 mm
5.結節變大之定義為>1.5 mm
6.新增結節之定義為新出現≧4 mm之結節

Overall recommendation
請勾選項目 Lung-RADS Score 建議
0 影像品質不佳,應重作低劑量電腦斷層檢查,或需之前影像對照
1 每2年定期低劑量電腦斷層檢查
2 每2年定期低劑量電腦斷層檢查
3 至胸腔科或胸腔外科門診評估
3個月後檢查追蹤(Lung-RADS 4)
6個月後檢查追蹤(Lung-RADS 3)
4A 至胸腔科或胸腔外科門診評估
3個月後檢查追蹤(Lung-RADS 4)
6個月後檢查追蹤(Lung-RADS 3)
4B 至胸腔科或胸腔外科門診評估
3個月後檢查追蹤(Lung-RADS 4)
6個月後檢查追蹤(Lung-RADS 3)
4X 至胸腔科或胸腔外科門診評估
3個月後檢查追蹤(Lung-RADS 4)
6個月後檢查追蹤(Lung-RADS 3)
S 有其他有臨床意義的肺外病灶,請立即回門診複檢

其他發現 建議
冠狀動脈鈣化 12個月後追蹤
肺氣腫 6個月後追蹤
支氣管擴張症 3個月後追蹤
支氣管炎/細支氣管炎 請立即至胸腔科或胸腔外科門診複檢
其他: 其他: